

dr hab. Tomasz Michalski -

Secretary to the editor:

dr Tomasz Wiskulski -

Editioral Office

Department of Regional Development Geography
Institute of Geography
University of Gdańsk
Bażyńskiego 4 Str.
80-309 Gdańsk, Poland

Archival issues of the journal from 2011-2014:

Starting from 2015, the journal is published in printed and electronic version. The reference version is a printed version. The electronic version is published jointly by the University of Gdańsk Publishing House and the Jagiellonian University Publishing House on the Scientific Periodals Portal.

Journal of Geography, Politics and Society - 2011(1)

Potulski J., 2011, New political geography, Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, nr 1, s. 5-22
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Ilies A., Ilies D., Wendt J.A., Tatar C., 2011, Elements and outils for generating crossborder systemic functionality at romania/ukrainian border (northern sector), Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, nr 1, s. 23-36
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Leska D., 2011, Common foreign and security policy, european security and defence policy of the European Union after the Lisbon Treaty, Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, nr 1, s. 37-67
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Stańczyk J., 2011, Changes in the international position of Central Europe in the context of the European Union integration, Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, nr 1, s. 68-82
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Tokolyova T., 2011, The European Union – New Zeland partnership, example of succesful trans-regional cooperation, Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, nr 1, s. 83-106
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Journal of Geography, Politics and Society - 2011(2)

Modrzejewski A., 2011, „A Green Island” or „A Never-Land”? Poles in the face of the contemporaty economic crisis, Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, nr 2, s. 5-18
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Wendt J.A., Ilies A., Tatar C., 2011, The changes of social structure and life conditions in romanian cities (case study of Oradea), Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, nr 2, s. 19-34
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Mokra L., Tokolyova T., 2011, Comparative insight into development of the civic society in the Visegrad region, Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, nr 2, s. 35-46
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Moska O., 2011, Outline of Polish-German relations after II WW, Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, nr 2, s. 47-55
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Gosz B., 2011, Religious diversity in pomeranian voivodship, Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, nr 2, s. 56-72
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Journal of Geography, Politics and Society - 2012(3)

Biger G., 2012, Historical geography and international boundaries, Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, nr (1)3, s. 5-13
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Ewertowski S., 2012, Importance of state in the catholic social doctrine, Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, nr (1)3, s. 14-32
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Ilies A., Ilies D.C., Morar C., Ilies G., Wendt J.A., 2012, Evolution of historical regions, borderlands and borders during last century (1916-2011) at the external EU border corresponding to northern romanian-ukrainian sector, Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, nr (1)3, s. 34-54
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Wendt J.A., 2012, Geography of authority in Poland, Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, nr (1)3, s. 56-77
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Journal of Geography, Politics and Society - 2012(4)

Potulski J., 2012, Bioregionalism, Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, nr (2)4, s. 5-15
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Chladekova M., 2012, Political and legal perception of protocol no. 30 on the application of the EU charter, Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, nr (2)4, s. 16-26
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Modrzejewski A., 2012, Universalism and global media world, Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, nr (2)4, s. 27-33
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Leska D., 2012, The current global economic crisis in Europe prospects of the development of the European Union, Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, nr (2)4, s. 34-43
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Tokolyova T., 2012, Solom Islands as failed state (focused on region’s security), Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, nr (2)4, s. 44-50
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Journal of Geography, Politics and Society - 2013(5)

Biger G., 2013, Same basic geographical facts concerning the Israel – Palestin dispute, Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, nr (1)5, s. 5-18
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Bar-Kołelis D., 2013, New retail locations and cross-border shopping in Poland, Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, nr (1)5, s. 19-31
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Baias S., 2013, Tourist valorization of the wooden cultural heritage from the Crisul repede hydrographic basin, Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, nr (1)5, s. 32-46
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Kordel Z., 2013, Polish road transport politics characteristics, Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, nr (1)5, s. 48-67
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Trotsak A., 2013, „Breivik case” as an example of moral suicide, Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, nr (1)5, s. 68-74
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Journal of Geography, Politics and Society - 2013(6)

Biger G., 2013, "Gaza Strip" - a Unique political area, Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, nr (2)6, s. 5-15
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Baias I. C., Cartis H., 2013, University of Oradea - A polarizing center in the Crisana Area, Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, nr (2)6, s. 16-22
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Chladekova M., 2013, Neither market nor hierarchy - Walter W. Powell’s concept of network applied to humanitarian sector, Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, nr (2)6, s. 23-33
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Potulski J., 2013, Deterritorialization of the world as a challenge for contemporary political geography, Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, nr (2)6, s. 34-43
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Luckanicova S., 2013, The role of the social movement 15M in the process of democratization of Spain, Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, nr (2)6, s. 44-63
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Journal of Geography, Politics and Society - 2014(7)

Radchenko O., Kuczabski A., Michalski T., 2014, Main factors affecting the social transformation process in Ukraine, Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, nr (1)7, s. 5-18
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Wendt J. A., Ilies A., 2014, Territory of II Rzeczypospolita in Central European Classical Geopolitics, Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, nr (1)7, s. 19-32
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Jaźwiecka M., 2014, Influence of the TV show Kuchenne Rewolucje on changes in local gastronomy, Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, nr (1)7, s. 33-46
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Bar-Kołelis D., Gosz B., Wiskulski T., 2014, Promotion of host cities of EURO 2012. Case study Warsaw and Poznan, Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, nr (1)7, s. 47-58
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Journal of Geography, Politics and Society - 2014(8)

Juhas P., 2014, The Necessity of Electoral Laws Reform in Slovakia?, Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, nr (2)8, s. 5-22
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Mosneaga V., 2014, Republic of Moldova in the European partnership, Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, nr (2)8, s. 23-48
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Mihalik J., 2014, Playing ping-pong with minority policies and integration: the cases from Estonia, Latvia and Slovakia, Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, nr (2)8, s. 49-73
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Czarny R. M., 2014, The Shaping of Norden, Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, nr (2)8, s. 74-98
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Regiony Nadmorskie

Od 1999 roku zespół Zakładu prowadzi dwujęzyczną serię wydawniczą pod nazwą "Regiony Nadmorskie/Coastal Regions”. Tematyka prac poruszanych w książkach dotyczy wybranych zagadnień społecznych, ekonomicznych, politycznych i ekologicznych związanych z funkcjonowaniem obszarów nadmorskich. Zachęcamy do lektury i przesyłania artykułów.

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Journal of Geography, Politics and Society

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Kwartalnik prowadzony jest przez Zakład Rozwoju Regionalnego. Funkcję redaktora naczelnego sprawuje prof. Tomasz Michalski. Czasopismo znajduje się na liście Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego i posiada notę 20 pkt.

Zachęcamy także do lektury archiwalnych numerów z lat 2011-2014.

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